psych HPS121 says:
baby jordan iz now undergoing the emotional development stage. building up attachment based on attachment theories (: the separation anxiety of distress when away from his mother.
signs emerge 6-8months from birth.
baby jordan 6mths++ old now.
it says that it will peak from 14-18mths.
so be prepared for even more "vulnerability" when you're not around serena!
and it's normal!
baby jordan iz friendly for the initial 2-3months because infants smile and laugh with ANY competent care giver.
so what does this say..
for baby jordan to develop into a healthy young resilient and competent toddler, baby jordan has to develop the "secure attachment" style. so in other words, baby jordan has to show distress when mummy serena iz not around, and yet be easily soothed when mummy serena comes back (:
other attachment styles would include
- anxious attachment : child gets distressed and yet not easily soothed!
- avoidant attachment : child continually explore room irrespective of parent presence; child does not show signs of distress either
- disorganised and disorientated attachment : child doesnt show affective behaviour to parent
i wish i had the know-hows to developing that secure attachment style. HPS121 only mentioned sensitive and responsive behaviours from parents...
geex, but i wont be taking this unit next year.
oh well! :D
that's all (:
at least baby jordan iz on the right track (: yippee
*throbs @10:58 <3
There .
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